02 October 2010


Jam menunjukkan pukul 12.37 pagi, gua masih duduk didepan PC sambil menghirup segelas ribena ais dari cawan plastik bekas air blue lemon yg gua beli di pasar malam ahad lepas.

What the hell i'm typing here like shit!

I think i go to sleep is good thing to do, tomorrow going back to BP, got jamming program and kerja kawen.

Demm i so miss nasik baryani that been cook at my kampung wedding(malas plak nak tukar ayat kerja kawen kpd wedding kat atas tu).
The rice so tender, the meat so juicy and of course the sirap is so sweet and nice to drink.

I think one day i going to learn how to cook nasik baryani from master chef wan salleh pt moen.
Demm that bugger can cook soo well and tasty! Damm again!!!

Where the hell i can find nasik baryani at the night time like this??? Demm!!!

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